Top 8 Integrated Circuits(ICs) distributors in Spain
Integrated Circuits(ICs) distributors in Spain
Where can I find high-quality integrated circuits in Span? As long as your business line entails building electronic devices and appliances, you will always need integrated circuits (ICs), which are also known as semiconductor chips, microchips, or just microcontrollers. They are the key ingredients in most electronic appliances and applications. ICs are used for executing different functions in electronic applications. As an engineer, designer, builder, or even proprietor, your focus should be on getting high-quality ICs. The most ideal place where you can get such is from a reliable IC distributor in Spain.
By choosing the right semiconductor chip supplier or distributor, you will be increasing your chance of getting the right component. Other than just the purchase of the product, a good distributor will also offer extra services that are related to the purchasing of integrated circuits. So, which are the distributors and where can I find them in Spain? In this guide, we are going to review some of the best IC distributors in Spain. You will also learn some essential tips for choosing integrated circuits suppliers and distributors.
Inelec is a leading electronic component distributor in Spain. Integrated circuits are among the components that the company distributes in Spain. Our warehouses are in different locations in Spain including Madrid, Catalonia, and Sebastian. Our growth and success stems from the fact that we prioritize the needs of our customers and their projects. We have grown to be a benchmark in electronic component distribution in Spain. We are cognizant of the fact that most customers are seeking qualified brands to work with. As an established company, we have electric and electronic professionals in different fields and they are in charge of running the daily activities of the company.
IC Malaga
Started in 2002, IC-Malaga is a microelectronics engineering company that has gained a massive reputation in Spain. We undertake an array of IC production operations such as IC design, and manufacturing. We take direct orders from our clients and then produce analog circuits that meet their application needs. We handle one production process at a time, starting from the design to the testing phase of production. We have a sister company in Germany and the partnership helps us to accelerate the IC production process. We have a customer care department that takes care of all the client-facing needs. We are a company that you should work with in case you need quality and customized ICs in Spain.
Eurotronix is a leading Spanish company that specializes in the distribution of electronic components. We have been in this business for over 30 years and we are well-versed in serving different needs of our customers. Our portfolio comprises different types of integrated circuits that are used in different fields. Our core mandate is to give customers value for their money. The best way of achieving this is by offering products at reasonable prices. We are fully committed to quality, both in terms of the goods that we sell and the services that we distribute. We carefully select the best suppliers of all the electronic components and ICs in our stock. Furthermore, we are a company that is always keen on building quality relationships with our customers.
TDK Electronics Spain S.L.U.
Previously known as EPCOS, TDK Electronics is a manufacturer and supplier of electronic components such as integrated circuits. We tend to focus our production on the fast-growing technology market. This implies that as long as you are building an innovative product that is poised to change the current technology, we are the right company to work with. We stock modern ICs that are useful in different application areas. Being among the largest IC distributors in Europe, we have won the trust of most businesses in the region. We would be glad to be your next business partner.
Address: Spaces Castellana, P.o de la Castellana, 200, Chamartín, 28046 Madrid, Spain
Cidein SL.
We are ranked among the most reliable IC distributors in Spain. Being a one-stop electronic components store, we stock all types of ICs that are needed in different fields. All our products are sourced from rge most reputable brands around the world. This means that we are a company that you can trust when it comes to the quality of electronic components. Furthermore, we utilize our years of experience in the electronics field to deliver quality products and as well as customer services.
Address: Carrer dels Comtes de Bell-Lloc, 137, Les Corts, 08014 Barcelona, Spain
Mouser Electronics Spain
Mouser Electronics is a global electronics component distributor. Spain is one of he countries in which Mouser has established its warehouse. This means that you easily access products from the brand. We source our integrated circuits from the leading brands around the world. We also offer exemplary customer services on all the aspects that entail integrated circuits.
Address: n2, Planta 2, Local C1 y C3, 08820 Solsona, Barcelona, Spain
2CI Circuitos Impresos | Fabricación PCB
Started in 1985, we are a reliable designer and distributor of integrated circuits. We use modern tools and technology to produce printed circuit boards that meet international standards. We have been continuously investing in systems that ensure we produce the highest quality PCBs. On the other hand, our distribution unit takes care of the customer issues.
Address: P.I. Ferrería. C/ Técnica, 4, 08110 Montcada i Reixac, Barcelona, Spain
Choosing IC distributors in Spain: What you should know
We have reviewed some of the best semiconductor chip distributors in Spain. Now you know where to go in case you are looking for a reliable IC distributor. However, the fact that all of them claim to be the best in the business means that you may encounter some challenges when it comes to choosing one. To help you make the right choice, we are going to highlight some of the factors that you should consider and tips to use when choosing IC distributors in Spain.
· Know your needs: Before you even start looking for the names of distributors, you should know what you want. Create a list of everything that you want regarding the IC chips. Some of the things that you should highlight include the type of IC, features volume, your budget, and application area, among others. This list will be the dictionary that you will use for vetting different distributors.
· Product range: Using the information in the previous step, you should find out whether the distributor stocks the exact ICs that you need. Additionally, it will be better if the distributor stocks a diverse range of ICs. Take note that some distributors specialize in specific types of semiconductor chips. They may be an ideal choice if you are dealing with sensitive products.
· Distributor’s reputation: Choose an IC distributor that has a good reputation in the industry. This will increase your chances of getting high-quality products from them. Check online reviews to find out what other people are saying about the distributor.
· Customer services: Find out the capacity of the distributor to offer customer services. Do they have a competent technical team that is skilled enough to give technical assistance in various areas of technology? They should also have sales reps that answer all the questions about the products that are in stock.
· Quality of the products: Take time to verify the quality of a distributor's integrated circuits. They should be of premium quality. There are various ways of finding this out. One is by confirming the certifications and sources of the components.
· Price and cost: Since you are in the business, you should choose a distributor whose price matches your budget. You shouldn't pay exorbitant prices for the integrated circuits. The best way of going around this is by comparing the inventories from different distributors. You should also factor in other cost-related issues that will have an impact on what you will pay.
· Shipping and logistics: It will be perfect to find the best IC distributor near you in Spain. This will make it convenient to ship the products at a lower cost.
Putting the above tips into practice will increase your chance of finding the best distributor. It will be better if you find an industry expert who will help you choose the right distributor.
I hope that this guide has given you valuable insights into the best IC distributors in Spain. However, this does not mean that you should restrict your choices to the ones that we have mentioned here. There could be other distributors outside the list who have the full potential to meet your needs about integrated circuits. Regardless of your choice, you should use the tips we discussed to make the right choice.
One of the options that you may consider exploring is importing integrated circuits from China to Spain. If this is something that you would wish to do, then you should consider making Rantle East Electronic your business partner. We are a reputable IC distributor that is committed to helping buyers who are looking for ICs in China. Using our 20 years of experience in the industry and also an extensive network of suppliers, we will ensure that you get the right integrated circuits for your application. Simply contact us and we will be glad to work together.
Kevin Chen
Founder / Writer at Rantle East Electronic Trading Co.,Limited
I am Kevin Chen, I graduated from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2000. I am an electrical and electronic engineer with 23 years of experience, in charge of writting content for ICRFQ. I am willing use my experiences to create reliable and necessary electronic information to help our readers. We welcome readers to engage with us on various topics related to electronics such as IC chips, Diode, Transistor, Module, Relay, opticalcoupler, Connectors etc. Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions on these subjects with us. We look forward to hearing from you!