What's the Difference Between Passive and Active Sensors?
What's the Difference Between Passive and Active Sensors
Image source Quora
Sensing technology has become a common feature in the world of modern electronics. Different types of sensors are embedded in electronic devices. Most sensors are used as data collectors. They collect different types of data that are used for different functions.
There are many different types of sensors and each is designed for specific applications. All these types are classified into two broad categories: active sensors and passive sensors. Each type has a unique set of features and properties.
Before you decide which type of sensor to buy between active and passive, it is important to know the difference between them. In this article, we are going to discuss the differences between active and passive sensors.
What are active sensors?
Active sensors are used in active sensing. These are sensors that are designed to transmit signals to the target environment and then measure the response that comes back. Given the intensity of these activities, power must be supplied to the sensor.
This explains why active sensors are connected to external power sources. They also release some of this energy and this is important in generating response feedback. Examples of firms of energy that are released by active sensors include LIDAR, InfraRed, and RADAR.
The operation mode of active sensors gives them some advantages over passive sensors. For example, they can operate in dark conditions, have high levels of accuracy, and also have higher resolution than passive sensors.
However, these sensors come with some drawbacks. The most common one is they require significant power to operate. They also tend to generate significant noise, something that can affect the quality of the signals, especially in sensitive applications.
Examples of active sensors
Examples of active sensors include:
· Accelerometers
· Ultrasonic transducers
· Hall effect sensors
· Compass sensors
A common feature of all these listed sensors is they are always connected to an electric circuit which is responsible for generating energy that is needed to run the sensor.
Active sensors are widely used in manufacturing and networking environments. These conditions are characterized by fast-changing conditions and data. External power that is supplied to an active sensor will cope with such changes.
X-RAYS and LiDAR are just some of the technologies whose operations depend on active sensors.
What is the passive sensor?
These sensors are designed to operate 'passively'. They are designed to sense the data without doing anything else. They detect both the input and response from their operating environment.
Passive sensors collect data using various mechanisms such as the detection of vibrations, heat, radiation, and other phenomena in the target environment. These sensors are embedded in strategic places and positions from which they will be able to sense crucial data accurately.
A key advantage of passive sensors over active sensors is the ability to operate effectively without consuming power or generating noise when in operation. Also, they are rarely affected by external interference such as noise and other unwanted electric signals.
However, a major weakness of passive sensors is their operation depends on the availability of high-quality energy radiation. This is because they do not rely on their energy. This dependency also tends to affect the accuracy of the sensors.
Examples of passive sensors
· Photographic sensors
· Thermal sensors
· Chemical sensors
· Seismic sensors
· Infrared sensors
Passive sensors are widely used in the IoT (Internet of Things) technology landscape thanks to their remote sensing capabilities. Their low energy consumption is another reason why they perfectly fit in such application areas.
So, what is the difference?
Active and passive sensors mainly differ in the way that they operate, and how they sense data. Active sensors operate by transmitting energy or radiation to the target object and then detecting the reflected signal. The whole process is enabled by an external energy source.
On the other hand, passive sensors operate by detecting energy or radiation that is supplied by the target object or body. They do not need an external power source to generate output signals.
Active vs Passive sensors: Which one should I choose?
At the end of the day, you will need to choose one type of sensor. Which one should you choose between active and passive sensors?
The choice of the sensor goes beyond the advantages and disadvantages of either of each type of sensor. Instead, you will have to focus on your application. Each type of sensor is perfectly suited for a specific environment and application.
Before you decide on the type of sensor to use, it is important to consider the following factors:
? The environment of operation. Where do you intend to use the sensor
? Type and nature of data that is to be sensed or collected by the sensor
? The desired level of accuracy
? The expected level of data sensitivity
? Nature of the devices
? The expected resolutions
? Physical dimensions of the device such as size and weight
? Cost of buying and using the sensor
I hope that from this guide, you have a deep understanding of the difference between active sensors and passive sensors. It all lies in the energy. Passive sensors do not require an external energy source to operate. They also don't contribute any data that gives measurement values. On the other hand, active sensors require an external energy source to operate
There are pros and cons of using each type of sensor. Furthermore, each one is designed for specific application areas This means that they are not automatically interchangeable. You will have to consider several factors before choosing an ideal sensor that is suitable for your application area.
When it comes to choosing sensors, whether active or passive, ensure that you get them from the right sources. Reputable sensor suppliers and manufacturers are known for delivering quality products.
If you are planning to buy sensors in China, then you should consider choosing ICRFQ. We are an experienced global supplier of passive and active sensors. We have been in this industry for over 20 years and have served different customers around the world. You should consider contacting us directly to buy sensors wholesale in China.
Kevin Chen
Founder / Writer at Rantle East Electronic Trading Co.,Limited
I am Kevin Chen, I graduated from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2000. I am an electrical and electronic engineer with 23 years of experience, in charge of writting content for ICRFQ. I am willing use my experiences to create reliable and necessary electronic information to help our readers. We welcome readers to engage with us on various topics related to electronics such as IC chips, Diode, Transistor, Module, Relay, opticalcoupler, Connectors etc. Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions on these subjects with us. We look forward to hearing from you!