What is Driver IC? The Complete Guide
What is Driver IC? The Complete Guide
Image source Rantle East Electronic
Have you ever asked yourself how electric motors can run and operate seamlessly? There are many factors and motivations behind the operation of motors. At the top of the list are the driver ICs.
A driver IC is a combination of electronic components that are connected to different electric circuits. These chips are used for controlling key operations of electric motors.
As long as the operation of an electronic device depends on an electric motor, there is a high chance that you will need a driver IC.
The primary role of a motor driver IC is to take the low-current input signals and convert them into powerful output signals that can drive the motor. In other words, they are used as amplifiers while at the same time acting as power regulators.
Since they are in the form of integrated circuits, each chip is customized for specific motor types. For instance, some ICs are used for the brushless DC motors while others are for the brushed DC stepper motors.
Similarly, each chip is packaged with unique features and specifications that enable it to perform specific tasks that are related to the operations of electric motors.
Even though this technology has been in existence for quite long, technological advancement has resulted in the building of agile driver chips. Modern motor driver ICs are packaged with an array of features that improve the way they control the operations of electric motors.
Driver ICs have a wide range of applications in different industries, including emerging fields such as electric vehicles.
Are you building an application and do you think it will need driver ICs? Here is a perfect guide for you.
We are going to discuss everything that you should know about driver ICs.
You will also get valuable information on how to choose the best driver ICs from top suppliers.
Uses of motor driver ICs
Why do I need a motor driver integrated circuit?
As long as you are building an application that will have an electric motor, you will need a motor driver. Here are some of the main uses of motor driver ICs:
It takes extra energy and power to drive an electric motor. However, in most applications, the input signals are not powerful enough to drive the motor.
This is where the importance of motor driver IC comes in. They amplify the incoming current to a higher level so that it can drive the motor.
The chips are embedded with electronic components such as transistors, which are capable of amplifying the input signals.
Controlling the tor driver
Motor driver ICs do more than just supply power to the motor drive. They also control the behavior of the motor.
Using the chips, you can determine the torque and speed of the motor drive. They determine the level of power that is relayed to the motor.
By doing so, they determine how the motor will react.
Power regulation
Driver ICs regulate the amount of power that flows to the electric motors.
Keep in mind that most electric motors need more voltage than what the logical circuit can provide. However, this voltage should still be regulated and not exceed defined limits.
By introducing motor driver ICs in a device, you will be able to control the power delivery to the motor.
Overload protection
Other than performance, voltage regulation protects the IC from the dangers of overcurrent and overvoltage.
Power overload in a circuit can cause serious damage to the motor and even be a safety risk.
Driver ICs are embedded with protection features that prevent cases of power overload.
Noise filtering
The operation and performance of an electric motor can be affected by electric noise. This is mainly generated by the unwanted signals in the electric circuit.
Noise can also be generated by the high-power switching feature that is inside a motor driver.
There are many ways of controlling the noise levels in a circuit and one of them entails using driver IC.
Noise isolation improves the accuracy and overall performance of motor drives.
Bidirectional control
Motor driver chips make it possible to control the directions of motor drivers in forward and reverse directions. This is a common feature in modern applications such as electric vehicles.
Components of a motor drive
To have a proper understanding of the motor driver IC, let’s look at some of the main functions of key components of a motor drive. From there, you will know the important role of the drive chips in the operation of a motor drive.
A controller is the brain of any electronic device. In the motor driver, a controller can be a microcontroller or a microprocessor.
A controller dictates all the operations of a motor drive. It does so by generating low-power signals that are directed to the motor driver IC.
A controller is also responsible for generating logic signals, which are relayed to the motor drive IC for processing and interpretation.
Motor drive IC
Well, this is an integrated circuit that accepts low-power signals from the microprocessor and amplifies them to a higher current.
The driver IC then relays signals to the motor drive for the execution of the desired control instructions.
A motor driver serves as an interface between the controller and the motor drive.
Motor drive
A motor drive is the load of the circuit. It gets signals from the motor driver IC and responds by executing the desired mechanical action.
There are different types of motor drives. The most common ones include stepper motor, DC motor, and brushless motor.
Regardless of the type, the operations of all these motors depend on signals from the driver ICs.
Power unit
The power unit is the source of the electric current that drives the motor drive. It provides electric current and voltage that are required to run the motor circuit.
The power unit ensures that the circuit gets the right amount of current and voltage. It also protects the circuit from the risk of power overload.
Passive components
Beyond the driver IC, a motor drive circuit has other passive electronic components that are designed to execute different roles.
Capacitors are used for storing charges, which are important in providing extra power when starting the motor drive.
The circuit may have a resistor to regulate the current flowing to the load. An inductor may be added to the circuit to filter noise in the signals.
Types of Motor Driver ICs
Image source RoboCraze
Before you buy any driver IC, it is important to know what type it is. This is vital because these chips are of different types and come in different configurations.
Here are some of the most common types of driver ICs:
· AC motor driver IC: These chips are designed to control AC induction motors. They modify the input AC power through the regulation of voltage and frequency. They are commonly found in variable-speed devices such as pumps and fans.
· DC motor driver IC: These are used for amplifying the input voltage so that the output is powerful enough to power devices. They are the most sought-after semiconductor driver chips.
· Servo driver ICs: These chips are specifically designed for the servo motors. They are known for their high levels of precision control. These chips are commonly found in robotics. They come in both AC and DC configurations.
Key characteristics of driver ICs
Let’s look at some of the key features that characterize motor driver ICs.
Compatible motors
Regardless of the application area, the driver and the electric motor should be compatible with each other. This is the only way of ensuring that you have a functional system.
The good news is driver IC manufacturers have put adequate efforts into supplying the market with a wide range of drivers that are suitable for every available electric motor. This means that you can easily find a driver IC that is suitable for your motor.
Once you have a driver IC and an electronic motor, the next step is to establish a connection between them. This is where the interface factors come into play. There should be a smooth or perfect interface between the two for the project to be successful.
For example, it is impossible to use a wireless drover on a wired electric motor. This is because there will be no connections between the two.
Powe settings
Since power supply is one of the main functions of a motor driver IC, there should be a perfect match in the power requirements of both the IC and the motor driver.
Confirm the current and voltage specifications of the IC before choosing it for your application. The chip should supply the required amount of power that is needed to run an electric motor. The right power figures also ensure that high safety levels are adhered to in the device or application.
Heat management features
Given the type of work that this semiconductor chip is expected to do, you should pay attention to its thermal management features.
In most applications, driver ICs are involved in generating high levels of electric current that is required to drive electric motors. This directly means that they have to deal with the heat accumulation.
The chip should have efficient thermal management features that will guarantee proper heat dissipation.
Heat sinks are fans are just among the many thermal management features that you should check out when selecting driver IC.
I hope that with the information in this guide, you will be able to make smart decisions on everything about driver IC.
Whether it is choosing, buying, or deploying the chip into your application, you should have an easy time.
With the right IC, you will have an easy and smooth time integrating electric motors into your application area. The chips will allow you to execute an array of functions on the motor.
So, where can I get the right driver IC for my project?
The surest place is from reputable motor driver IC suppliers and distributors. These are businesses that specialize in supplying semiconductor chips for different applications.
In case you are planning to buy driver ICs in China, ICRFQ is there for you. We are a leading global supplier of semiconductor chips, including driver ICs.
Do not hesitate to contact us directly and place your orders for quality driver ICs.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the function of a motor driver?
The main role of a motor driver IC in an electric circuit is to implement the conversion of electric energy into mechanical energy. It is this mechanical energy that is responsible for the movement of the electric motor.
What is the difference between motor driver IC and motor controller IC
In most applications, the driver and the controller exist as separate entities. In such cases, the driver IC is responsible for providing the electric energy that is needed to drive the motor. On the other hand, the controller IC controls the behavior and actions of an electric motor.
By knowing the difference between these two chips, you should be in a perfect position to choose the right integrated circuit for your application.
Why do I need a motor driver IC?
Once you have installed an electric motor into your device or application, the only way of making it functional is by introducing a driver IC. This chip will provide the right amount of electric power that is needed to run an electric motor.
Why not get the power from the microprocessor?
In some applications, power is drawn from other components such as the microprocessor. However, this is not always the case for applications that have electric motors.
Generally, electric motors have high power needs. They draw more current than what microprocessors can handle. A separate chip is required both for the performance and safety reasons. For example, a driver IC can supply high currents without overheating or interfering with the other operations in a device.
Why are 4 grounds used in driver IC?
Driver ICs are characterized by high amounts of electric current flowing through their circuits. This can lead to overheating if the situation is not well managed.
Temperature management devices are introduced into the chip to deal with the heating problem. Using four grounds is one of the thermal management techniques. The four pins provide an easy escape route from the heat.
Kevin Chen
Founder / Writer at Rantle East Electronic Trading Co.,Limited
I am Kevin Chen, I graduated from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2000. I am an electrical and electronic engineer with 23 years of experience, in charge of writting content for ICRFQ. I am willing use my experiences to create reliable and necessary electronic information to help our readers. We welcome readers to engage with us on various topics related to electronics such as IC chips, Diode, Transistor, Module, Relay, opticalcoupler, Connectors etc. Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions on these subjects with us. We look forward to hearing from you!