What is Equalizer IC? The Complete Guide
What is Equalizer IC? The Complete Guide
Equalizer IC image source Freepik
An equalizer is an electronic device that is designed to equalize the frequencies of signals to improve the quality of output signals.
In the case of audio signals, an equalizer will improve the quality of the signals coming from the microphone so that the output signal through the speaker is of high quality.
At the heart of the operation of an equalizer is integrated circuits. They determine every aspect of an equalizer.
IC chips are designed to dictate the functionality, operation, and performance of an equalizer. The chips are packaged with an array of electronic components that perform different functions, all related to the equalization process.
Equalizer ICs have a wide range of applications. As long as a field requires the use of equalizers to balance the signals, then there is the usage of equalizer ICs.
Would you like to know more about equalizer chips? This is a perfect guide for you. We are going to break down everything that you should know about these chips. This guide will also help you select the right equalizer ICs for your application.
How does an equalizer IC work
To understand the working principle of an equalizer IC, you first have to know that this is an integrated circuit. As a chip, it comprises electronic components.
These components include diodes, transistors, resistors, and capacitors.
Each component is designed to execute a specific role in an electric circuit.
The main function of diodes in EQ is to control the flow of electric signals. They receive the inputs and direct it to the desired direction.
Transistors serve as signal amplifiers. They amplify the signals and this improves the accuracy of the signal processing
Resistors in equalizer ICs regulate the flow of signals through electric circuits. They limit the amount of current that flows from one end of the circuit to another.
Capacitors store the excess electrons in the circuit. They also provide these charges when needed.
Inductors are also included in equalizer ICs to filter out the unwanted signals, or noise that is generated in the circuit. They are always referred to as the filters of the equalizer chips.
A combination of these functionalities makes it possible for an equalizer to deliver its overall function of equalizing signals.
So, how does this chip work to equalize the signals?
It all starts with the acceptance of electric signals into the circuit. Since these signals have different frequencies, the very first step is the division of the frequencies into different bands. All the frequencies are classified into different bands. This classification or division plays an important role when it comes to the signal processing stage.
At this point, all the related frequencies are divided into their respective bands. The next course of action entails working on each frequency band.
Controlling the frequency bands entails performing an array of actions such as raising or lowering the amplitude of the signal. Keep in mind while doing this, the frequency of the signal is a constant factor. The control actions can result in increasing and decreasing the volume of the signal.
Now that you have a defined frequency and amplitude, the next stage of signal equalization entails filtering out noise. This is done to ensure that the output signal is of high quality and free of any noise. Electronic components such as inductors are used for filtering out the noise.
All the control and filtering operations are performed manually using knobs and sliders. This means that equalizer ICs are directly connected to the knobs that allow users to make the necessary adjustments. An operator will make all the necessary adjustments depending on the desired output signals.
Once you are fully satisfied with the balanced or equalized signals, the next stage is signal processing. Here, these signals are directed to the processors. A signal processor will perform an array of actions on the signals before giving out the output signals.
Types of equalizer ICs
Equalizer ICs come in different forms and configurations.
A parametric equalizer IC is designed to provide continuous control of every parameter of a signal. It is a perfect equalizer in application where the incoming signals are in continuous form and not in batches.
The equalizer divided the signal frequency into different parts, usually between three to seven bands. It is after the division that the equalizer can work on the frequency.
Other than the frequency, this equalizer also focuses on the gain and the bandwidth of the incoming signals. This means that it does more than what most equalizers in the market do. It operates at high levels for accuracy such that you are likely to get flawless output signal from the chip.
Graphic equalizer
Graphic equalizers are widely used for audio signal manipulation. Thick of music devices such as home theaters and even computers.
Like most equalizers, graphic equalizers work by dividing the incoming signals into several bands. The number of bands will always depend on the size of the signals. It can be as low as 4 bands and as high as 30 bands.
Each band in a graphic equalizer has a dedicated control feature. Using this control, users can determine the desired output of the signals. For example, you can boost the frequency of a single band.
Peak equalizer IC
The operation of peak equalizer ICs is quite basic. They are mainly used for increasing and decreasing the strength of signals in each band.
In case the frequency of the signal is very low, the equalizer will allow you to boost it up to a defined limit. Peak equalizers have a center frequency and everything else is centered around that. The selected frequency should not be too low or too high beyond the center frequency.
Parametric equalizer
Parametric equalizers are mainly used for controlling and limiting noise levels. They have a defined frequency and all other adjustments are made around this defined value. They also tend to give a controller a maximum level of flexibility. You can choose a range of frequencies to play around with.
Semi-parametric equalizer
Well, this is a simpler version of a parametric equalizer. It comes with fewer features than the parametric equalizer. It is also a cheaper option and still able to deliver almost the same results as the parametric equalizer.
Equalizer Controls
Regardless of the type or model, all equalizers allow users to exercise some level of control. Here are some of the key control features and parameters that you can have when using equalizers:
· Filter frequency: Equalizers allow users to filter frequencies in given bands. Most equalizers have a minimum of 3 bands and a maximum of 32 bands. You can filter the frequency in each band until you get the desired results on the signal.
· Gain or boost: Equalizers allow users to boost the frequency of the signals. This will always result in a powerful and even quality output signal.
· Resonance: You can determine the amount by which the frequency is boosted or filtered from the main signal. Resonance control comes in handy when you want to filter noise levels from the signal.
· Filter type: Modern equalizers allow users to choose different filters and allocate them appropriate frequencies.
· Q slope: You can use an equalizer to determine the Q slope of the signal. At the peak of the slope, you will be able to control a wide band. On the other hand, the minimum setting affects the narrow band. This control feature is ideal when you want to obtain accurate frequencies.
Filtering out unwanted frequencies
Equalizer IC source Freepik
Filtering is one of the major functions of equalizer ICs. Technically, all types of equalizer chips have the capability of cutting unwanted frequencies from the main signal.
Take an example of a musical instrument whose operating frequency is between 150-300 Hz. This range produces powerful output signals in different spectrums. However, the output signal may not be of the best quality, especially if the instrument is to be used with other equally loud instruments.
An equalizer is introduced to obtain a perfect balance between that instrument and others. This is where the importance of cutting the unwanted frequency comes in.
By introducing an equalizer, you will ensure that all the frequencies operate below a specific range. Excess frequency will be absorbed back to the signal and all the audio equipment will play a part in the making of the overall mix.
Quality sound has always been the main motivation for cutting out unwanted frequency. The process of cutting helps to preserve the tone of the signal while at the same time eliminating the sharp frequencies that tend to be unpleasant to the ears.
Applications of equalizer ICs
As long as the operation of a device depends on the frequency signals, chances are high that it will need an equalizer IC. Some of the most common application areas of equalizer integrated circuits include:
· Audio devices
· Visual devices
· Audio-visual devices
· Infrared data access devices
· Microwire
· Synchronous optical network
· Global positioning system
· Computer systems interface
Are you building a system whose principle of operation will depend on frequency management and control? You should prioritize getting the right equalizer IC for your application. Other than ensuring the device produces quality output signals, it also gives users full control. You can control what you would want to get from the device.
FAQ about Equalizer ICs
Here are some of the frequently asked questions about equalizer ICs
Does an equalizer improve the sound quality?
Yes, one of the key functions of an equalizer is to improve the quality of signals in a device. If you are using an audio device, an equalizer will improve the sound frequency of that device so that at the end of the day you can perceive or listen to high-quality sound.
When should I use an equalizer IC?
You should use an equalizer IC whenever you want to get the best-quality output signal. For example, when you want clear and noise-free sound, you will have to include an equalizer IC.
Otherwise, if the output signals in a device are already good, then you may not find a good reason to use an equalizer IC.
How can I classify equalizer ICs?
Although we have looked at the different types of equalizer chips, there are other ways of classifying these chips. The most common method entails using their technical specifications. Various parameters are used for putting equalizer chips into different categories.
Operating current is one of the parameters that you can use. You can choose the chip based on its working current. Closely related to the current is the working voltage of an equalizer IC. Both the current and the voltage have an impact on the performance of the chip. They also define the safety levels of the IC.
You should also pay attention to the maximum operating temperature of the chip. High temperatures will damage the structure and components of the equalizer chip.
From this guide, it is clear that equalizer ICs play an important role in signal processing. It doesn’t matter the type of signals that you intend to process, whether it is audio signals or video signals, they determine the quality of output that you get.
These chips also provide unlimited flexibility, especially when it comes to signal management in electronic devices and applications. Furthermore, we cannot ignore the fact that these filters give users the power to control the output that they want from the signals.
In case you are planning to buy an equalizer chip for your application, you should focus on finding the best one.
They should be of high quality so that they can deliver the desired results.
To achieve this, you need to be careful about where you buy equalizer ICs. Ensure that you buy from reliable equalizer ICs suppliers and distributors in China.
A good supplier will guarantee you the right product.
This is where ICRFQ comes in. We are a reputable equalizer IC distributor that is committed to meeting the needs of your business.
As a global IC distributor, we stock all types of equalizer ICs.
All you need is to contact us and we will deliver exactly what you want, regardless of your location.
Kevin Chen
Founder / Writer at Rantle East Electronic Trading Co.,Limited
I am Kevin Chen, I graduated from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2000. I am an electrical and electronic engineer with 23 years of experience, in charge of writting content for ICRFQ. I am willing use my experiences to create reliable and necessary electronic information to help our readers. We welcome readers to engage with us on various topics related to electronics such as IC chips, Diode, Transistor, Module, Relay, opticalcoupler, Connectors etc. Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions on these subjects with us. We look forward to hearing from you!