What is attiny85 pinout?
What is attiny85 pinout?
Image source PCB Reverse Engineering Solution
Attiny85 is an 8-pin microcontroller that uses AVR architecture to deliver its functionalities in various electronic applications. This microcontroller works by interfacing controlling how other devices and their respective electronic components perform.
Manufactured by Microchip (formerly Atmel), Attiny85 is quite a popular microcontroller in the world of electronics. It is used in a wide range of applications mainly because of its desirable features and attributes. Compact size, power efficiency, and performance are just among the key attributes that make this chip popular.
Attiny85 is mainly used in small and medium electronic projects. These are applications in which you don’t need powerful microcontrollers, yet the small ones can still deliver the tasks that you want.
One of the key parameters that you should know about Attiny85 is the pinout. This refers to the placement, arrangement, and functions of pins on a semiconductor chip. As long as you are building an electronics project, you should have full information about the pinout of all the IC chips. This is vital because it is from the pinouts that you will be able to make correct connections between the IC and other components in a circuit or even a device.
Chances are you are here because you are working on a DIY project that will involve the use of Attiny85. In this article, you are going to learn about the pinout of this microcontroller so that you will be able to integrate it into your project comfortably.
Overview of Attiny85 microcontroller
Attiny85 is quite a popular 8-bit low-power microcontroller whose design and build are based on the Havard RISC Architecture.
The fact that it is a low-power chip means that it is quite conservative when it comes to energy consumption. A disadvantage that is associated with this is the chip cannot be used in energy-intensive applications. This explains why it is a perfect chip for small applications and DIY projects. You can even use it on your simple IoT project.
Attiny85 is packed with 120 high-performance instructions which are usually executed in a single clock cycle. This also means that you should expect impressive performance figures from the microcontroller. It can still do this even with its low power consumption figures.
In terms of hardware specifications, Attiny85 features 8KB of flash memory, 512B of SRAM, and 512B of EEPROM. Even though these numbers may be small, they can still deliver the desired results in small electronic devices and applications.
Attiny85 key features and specifications
Here are some of the most pronounced features and specifications of the Attiny85 microcontroller that you should know:
· It is a low power8-bit microcontroller
· 512B EEPROM and 512B SRAM
· 8-bit timer
· Has 2 PWM channels
· Has watchdog timer and Analog comparator
· Provides support for external interrupts
· Features an On-chip Debug system
· Operating voltage of between 1.8V and 5.5V
· Maximum power supply of 40A through the input pins and 200mA through the power pins
· Frequency range of between 0-200mHz
· Operating temperature of between -55 to 125 degrees Celsius,
Attiny85 pin configuration
Let’s have a close look at the configuration of the Attiny85 microcontroller. This will give us an accurate overview of the pinout, and what each pin on the microcontroller does when put in its respective application area.
· Power input: Out of a total of 8 pins, two of them serve as power pins. The VCC, which is Pin 4 is the power input pin of the microcontroller while the GND, which is Pin8 serves as a common ground pin.
· Oscillator/Clock: An Attiny85 microcontroller has an internal frequency of 8mHz to the lowest and can be as high as 20mHz. An oscillator pin is used for controlling or regulating this frequency. Pin 2 (PB3) is the X XTAL1/CLKI pin while Pin 3(PB4) is the XTAL2/CLKO pin. Both Pin1 and Pin 3 are used as oscillator pins of this microcontroller.
· Digital Input/output: Take note that apart from the power pins, all the other pins serve as either input or output pins. You only need to identify the specific roles or functions that are executed by each pin on the chip. The input/output pins are Pin5 (GP105), Pin 6 (GP106), Pin 7 (GP107), Pin2 (GP103), Pin2 (GP102), Pin3 (GP103, and Pin1 (GP101).
· Interrupt pin: An external interrupt may come in handy when you want to control the normal operation of the microcontroller. This will make the device ignore any other instruction that it is executing. Even though a button or sensor output may be used as an interrupt, you can also use a pin. Pin7 is usually used as an interrupt for the microcontroller.
· SPI: SPI protocol enables serial communication between a microcontroller and other devices. In this protocol, only one device can communicate at a time. Pin1, Pin5, Pin6, and Pin7 are the SPI pins for the microcontroller.
· Timer: Timers are used for counting pulses in a microcontroller. Pin7 is used as a timer and is usually referred to as TO.
· Analog comparator: The main function of a comparator is to compare signals. This task is executed by Pin5 and Pin7, which are the man comparator pins of this microcontroller.
How do I use the Attiny85 microcontroller?
Since Attiny85 is a microcontroller, it depends on readymade programs to execute instructions in applications.
For this reason, a program must be present for the chip to operate. You should write or code a program that will be executed by the microcontroller.
This program will be stored in your device memory from where the microcontroller will fetch and then execute.
I hope that from this article, you have learned something valuable about Attiny85 pinouts. Information about the placement and arrangement of pins on Attiny85 will be of great importance whenever you are building your next electronic application. You will be in a perfect position to make accurate connections with the rest of the circuit.
In case you want to buy Attiny85 microcontrollers, for your applications, ensure that you source them from reputable suppliers and manufacturers. This way, you can be sure of getting original Attiny85 microcontrollers.
ICRFQ is one of the suppliers that have been authorized by Microchip to distribute Attiny85 microcontrollers. In case you are looking for an original Attiny85 supplier, you should consider contacting us directly and we will help you place the right order.
Kevin Chen
Founder / Writer at Rantle East Electronic Trading Co.,Limited
I am Kevin Chen, I graduated from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2000. I am an electrical and electronic engineer with 23 years of experience, in charge of writting content for ICRFQ. I am willing use my experiences to create reliable and necessary electronic information to help our readers. We welcome readers to engage with us on various topics related to electronics such as IC chips, Diode, Transistor, Module, Relay, opticalcoupler, Connectors etc. Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions on these subjects with us. We look forward to hearing from you!